Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Episode 5-1: "Best of" List

Worst "Sad Stories That Make Me Cry" Moment: “I was always picked last in gym class, so it really didn’t bother me to be picked last here.” (Brent)

Most Anti-PC Moment: Trump repeatedly calling Lenny "the Russian."

Funniest Quip: “So you gave them a gift bag with nothing in it.” (George, to Tarek)

Dumbest "Oh Puh-lease!" Retort: TIE:
“Yes, but I don’t see anything wrong with that. I think I made the right decision.” (Tarek, back to George) vs
"My contributions, of which I made many, were not of a clearly definable nature..." (Summer)

Worst Double-Speak: “Lenny is one of the two-dead weights on this team, he just isn’t worth anything at all,” vs. “I’m glad to have Lenny in the blimp, he has an astounding knowledge of the area and can make sure the blimp goes where it needs to go.” (Tarek)

Best Advice Not Taken: "Whatever you do, remain silent [in the boardroom]. Don't say ANYTHING!" (Lenny, to Summer)

And, finally, the weekly Monday Magical Moment: Lenny, Lee, Trump, and George openly laughing in Tarek's face in the boardroom for his lack of common sense. (“Derision-R-Us”)

Bill's Blog

Don't take this wrong, Bill -- I know you're a big winner and all that -- but you've nailed "banal" and "boring" down to a T.

Waaa. I want Bren back.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Season #5 Roster!

The quick assesment of all eighteen candidates, based on the interview tapes and series preview....


Allie: "Blonde Coven" wannabe (Season #4); finicky enough to manage a task well, but shallow and narrow-minded, too indiscriminate in her speech about others.

Andrea: Tough, competent, hell on wheels; might have too much Alla (Season #4) in her for her own good.

Brent: Mini-Markus, with a twist of John Candy. Talkative, friendly, "ideas" guy; needs an internal editor if to survive.

Bryce: Driven, non-conforming, possibly spoiled and one-dimensional

Charmaine: The “Asian Belle;” persistent and hard-working, competent on long haul; but what of the hasty pace and quick-selling necessary for this show?

Dan: Quirky without being Danny (Season #3); parental maturity; practiced at selling non-essentials and working unglamorous niches

Lee: Educated, smart, soft-spoken, not much experience, YOUNG, idealistic – is there a spine?

Les: Flexible, self-directed, mature, calming, down to earth, open-minded and imaginative, likeable; can she beat Trump's stroke on the tennis court?

Lenny: Rags-to-Riches success story; infuriating accent; dry, smart sense of humor; personable and pragmatic; will bite if bitten, beware!

Michael: Enjoys the heady feeling of power to the point of wearing a body cast; too risky, not enough caution

Pepi: Artist, published poet; charismatic yet approachable; quietly passionate; likeable; low-key sell, not wimpy; will he get to prove himself?

Roxanne: Blunt, shoves back at mean girls, hasn’t yet lost an appeal, headstrong but sensible and likeable.

Sean: English Robin Leach type; energetic and focused; anything else beside the accent going for him?

Stacy: Logical, realistic; a good employee, not the visionary leader Trump needs

Summer: Family girl; not global-enough thinker; keeps her own turf but not good at expanding it; kickboxes for fun; probably won't last long.

Tammy: Too girly to win; a very good, very responsible second-in-command otherwise

Tarek: Genius, Mensa Boy, high expectations for self; into hot chicks, even enough to do six years of ballet; not as smart as he thinks he is, a bit overblown; will probably choke if things don’t go the way he expects.

Theresa: Wisdom and over-confidence of middle-age; articulate and likeable; seems thoughtful but far too opinionated and heady for own good. (As a therapist, does she actually counsel people or just try to “fix” them?) Will burn out like a flare on her last night in the boardroom.