Sunday, February 26, 2006

Season #5 Roster!

The quick assesment of all eighteen candidates, based on the interview tapes and series preview....


Allie: "Blonde Coven" wannabe (Season #4); finicky enough to manage a task well, but shallow and narrow-minded, too indiscriminate in her speech about others.

Andrea: Tough, competent, hell on wheels; might have too much Alla (Season #4) in her for her own good.

Brent: Mini-Markus, with a twist of John Candy. Talkative, friendly, "ideas" guy; needs an internal editor if to survive.

Bryce: Driven, non-conforming, possibly spoiled and one-dimensional

Charmaine: The “Asian Belle;” persistent and hard-working, competent on long haul; but what of the hasty pace and quick-selling necessary for this show?

Dan: Quirky without being Danny (Season #3); parental maturity; practiced at selling non-essentials and working unglamorous niches

Lee: Educated, smart, soft-spoken, not much experience, YOUNG, idealistic – is there a spine?

Les: Flexible, self-directed, mature, calming, down to earth, open-minded and imaginative, likeable; can she beat Trump's stroke on the tennis court?

Lenny: Rags-to-Riches success story; infuriating accent; dry, smart sense of humor; personable and pragmatic; will bite if bitten, beware!

Michael: Enjoys the heady feeling of power to the point of wearing a body cast; too risky, not enough caution

Pepi: Artist, published poet; charismatic yet approachable; quietly passionate; likeable; low-key sell, not wimpy; will he get to prove himself?

Roxanne: Blunt, shoves back at mean girls, hasn’t yet lost an appeal, headstrong but sensible and likeable.

Sean: English Robin Leach type; energetic and focused; anything else beside the accent going for him?

Stacy: Logical, realistic; a good employee, not the visionary leader Trump needs

Summer: Family girl; not global-enough thinker; keeps her own turf but not good at expanding it; kickboxes for fun; probably won't last long.

Tammy: Too girly to win; a very good, very responsible second-in-command otherwise

Tarek: Genius, Mensa Boy, high expectations for self; into hot chicks, even enough to do six years of ballet; not as smart as he thinks he is, a bit overblown; will probably choke if things don’t go the way he expects.

Theresa: Wisdom and over-confidence of middle-age; articulate and likeable; seems thoughtful but far too opinionated and heady for own good. (As a therapist, does she actually counsel people or just try to “fix” them?) Will burn out like a flare on her last night in the boardroom.


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